I just spoke with a friend about this yesterday. Sometimes, they don't know where to begin. They get overwhelmed.

I believe if they just start. Start somewhere. Give up that bag of chips today. Have some fresh, low carb veggies instead. I had some bak choy in the fridge so we did a little taste test and talked about the nutrients it provides to fuel the body. We talked about how I like it diced better, but it can be sliced or cut like carrots, on the diagonal. I like it in a soup instead of the celery (it was excellent, by the way!). She was intrigued. Another step. She agreed she would like to take it home to try it.

It doesn't have to be all at once. And all or nothing really sends people into panic mode.

Baby steps are OK, just start somewhere. Adding movement in is so important too (as much as you can under the sun-protected if need be). One didn't develop those habits on a day, nor will the good ones come in a day. Just do something good and document that change. When that's going pretty well, another change. Soon enough, you'll be a new person! Taste buds change to, if we allow ourselves to taste more than once. Sometimes several times. It's olives for me, and fish. I don't even know how that happened!

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So far, I've found functional medicine to be hype and wishful thinking lacking any significant data for effectiveness. It's also a great way to run up huge labs bills on a patient.

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