Two topics that fascinate me are how Swedish has so many native/folksy medical words that have survived in spite of the influx of Latin terms that most languages share and also how these words came about in ancient times, what we call their etymology. I have written before about Swedish medical words, and a couple of those may appear in the listing below. Here are some words that come to mind when I think of the provincial nature of Swedish anatomy, physiology and pathology, starting with the sexual words, perhaps an attention grabber (SEO, Search Engine Optimization) here on the Internet.
Uterus = Livmoder (life mother)
Ovary = Äggstock (egg stalk)
Fallopian tube = Äggledare (egg guide)
Penis = Manslemmen (the male limb)
Glans penis/head of penis = Ollonet (the acorn)
Scrotum = Pung (pouch)
Vagina = Slida (sheath)
Nipple = Bröstvårta (breast wart)
Erection = Stånd (stand)
Intercourse = Samlag (lying together)
Masturbate = Onanera (referring to Onan in the Torah and the Old Testament)
Tetanus = Stelkramp (stiff cramp)
Shingles = Bältros (belt rash)
Glaucoma = Gul starr (yellow stare)
Cataract = Grå starr (gray stare)
Diabetes = Sockersjuka (sugar sickness)
Jaundice = Gulsot (yellow disease)
German measles = Röda hund (red dog)
Hives = Nässelfeber (Nettle fever)
Sippy cup = Pipmugg (pipe mug)
Benign positional vertigo = Kristallsjuka (crystal disease)
Dentures = Löständer (loose teeth)
Epilepsy = Fallandesjuka (falling disease)
Hay fever = Hösnuva (hay sniffles)
Angina = Kärlkramp (blood vessel cramp)
Heartburn = Halsbränna (throat burn)
Low back pain = Ryggskott (back shot)
Appendix = Blindtarm (blind gut)
Pancreas = Bukspottkörteln (the abdominal spit gland)
Small intestine = Tunntarmen (the thin gut)
I’m sure I’ll think of more words like this down the road. Stay tuned and brace yourself…
I love these. Perfectly descriptive.
That was great fun!